Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Final Blog

1. Rhythmic Editing – This project was my favorite because I love editing so I had the most fun putting this together. I thought it was really fun but also challenging to use the formula (5-15-5-10-5) for the frames since it’s such a short amount of time.
2.  Cameraless – I really enjoyed this project because it was such a fun way to start off this semester! I liked actually using the film and getting to draw on it and learn different methods like rayograms and magazine transfers. It was so cool to learn these things and see how they actually looked when they were projected.
3. Crowdsourcing – I liked this project because I enjoyed the arts and crafts element of it. It was also really awesome to see the final product and how all our different frames came together.
4. Animation – I didn’t particularly love this assignment just because it took so much time to do. The final product looked really cool but it took so long to take each picture and I got bored of it really quickly.
5. Bolex Long Take – I wasn’t thrilled about coming to class on a Saturday but I actually sort of had fun with this shoot. I really enjoyed the feeling of camaraderie we all had and got to know people I hadn’t spoken to before. I didn’t really know what I was doing with the Bolex so I wasn’t thrilled that I ended up being the one who had to film but it was nice that there were people around who were eager to help me out and explain.

6. Bridgman Packer – I absolutely did not enjoy that class at all. Although I think how they combine film and dance is really cool I didn’t want to be a part of it. I was really uncomfortable the whole time and left that class feeling awful so that’s why it’s my least favorite of this semester.

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