Sunday, February 9, 2014

Acoustic Ecology

Acoustic ecology is such an interesting concept. We’re surrounded by sounds all the time and don’t really notice or pay attention to them. Sometimes, when I’m reading a book and I have the television on in the background I can tune it out and then it’s always so fascinating to me how I can focus my ears in on the sound again.

I think if I lived where the man in the video “Listen” lives, I would lose my mind. I absolutely hate silence so I couldn’t deal with how quiet it is there. I always have to have some kind of sound, even when I’m going to sleep, so there’s just no way I would be able to function in a place that’s so quiet.

The article we read refers to cities as “sonic sewers” which I think is an interesting term. I find city noises much more comforting than noises you would hear in the country. I also thought it was absolutely crazy that some people are copyrighting sounds. I just can’t believe that that’s a thing that people can seriously do. It seems so silly to me. Overall, I liked this topic because I’ve always thought it was really cool how even when we think we’re surrounded by silence, we’re always hearing something, no matter what.

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