Friday, January 31, 2014

Media Fast Response

I knew as soon as I heard about the media fast it was going to be an awful and difficult experience for me. I’ve always been a self-confessed Internet addict but I never truly knew how addicted I was until I did this. After only a few hours into the fast I was twitching like a crack addict in need of a fix. I honestly had no idea what to do with myself. There were many times when I pulled out my phone and was already browsing Tumblr and Twitter before I even consciously knew what I was doing and remembered that I wasn’t supposed to be doing that. I was stunned by how much of a natural response reaching for my phone is and how often I do it. I felt really anxious and disconnected for the past three days and I’m not exactly happy that that is how I feel when cut off from the Internet. I definitely think I’m too reliant on social media to pass the time but I also got a lot of reading done in the past 72 hours so I guess this media fast wasn’t all bad.

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